Glen Ang Xun Zhe, Singapore
My art aims to explore the theme of nature through the process of investigating different characteristics of a material. By experimenting with differing combinations and possibilities that each material presents, my works offer the audience possible narratives and ways in which to look at and think about the relationship between man and nature.
Amass (2018)
Paraffin Wax, Twine, Rope
Dimensions Varied
This work seeks to explore the characteristics of wax as a material through the motif of leaves. Through the subject matter of leaves and the mode of presentation, it presents a deeper narrative of the human nature of selfishness and constant yearning for power, which has taken the form of the amassing of leaves.
Amass © Glen Ang Xun Zhe
Manipulation (2018)
Leaves on Acrylic Board
60.96 x 91.44cm (24 x 36in)
This work engages more deeply with the idea of human selfishness, conveyed through the material of leaves. At the surface level, the leaves are enclosed within the acrylic board and can be seen as objects of beauty, due to the assortment of colours and markings unique to each leaf. At a deeper level, the work symbolises the manipulative and controlling nature of humans through its presentation in terms of shape, the use of rows and columns, and the impending decay of each individual leaf fragment.
Manipulation © Glen Ang Xun Zhe
Decay (2018)
Paraffin Wax, Wire, Plaster, Wick, Epoxy, Acrylic Paint, Pot, Rocks, Soil
54 x 32 x 52cm
This work examines the destructive and overt nature of man towards the environment. Drawing inspiration from Buddhist ideologies of the Bonsai being the tree of love, balance and harmony, I contrast this against the man-made material of wax and wicks to further highlight the impending loss of balance and harmony that is brought about by human interference with the environment.
Decay © Glen Ang Xun Zhe
Glen Ang Xun Zhe is a patron of the arts who graduated from the School of the Arts Singapore in 2018. His works aim to explore the theme of man and nature, and often take the form of ephemeral, three-dimensional sculptural works. In the process, he exploits the differing characteristics of materials to create unpredictable effects and combinations.