© Ethan Leong
Esther Vincent Xueming is the author of womb song (Ethos books, 2024) and Red Earth (Blue Cactus Press, 2021), and co-editor of two environmental anthologies: Here was Once the Sea: An Anthology of Southeast Asian Ecowriting (2024) and Making Kin: Ecofeminist Essays from Singapore (2021). She co-edited Poetry Moves (2020) and Little Things (2013). Esther has served as guest editor for Mānoa Journal (35.2), University of Hawai’i Press (2024) and as guest regional editor, Asia for a special eco-themed issue of The Global South (16.1), University of Mississippi (2022). Her essays have been published in The Trumpeter, EcoTheo Review, Sinking City Review and Quarterly Literary Review Singapore. A literature educator by profession, she is passionate about the entanglements in art, science, literature, spirituality and ecology.
Besides teaching and writing, Esther is an Usui Reiki Master and ANFT Forest Therapy Guide whose practice involves relating to the more-than-human world in an embodied, heart-centred way. She can be found on IG @myrtlereikihealing or on Twitter @EstherVincentXM
Ethan is the poetry reader for Tiger Moth Review. He loves mammals, poetry, philosophy, film, critical theory, and spoiling his dog Ealga. He was the former Head of Marketing at the Singapore Book Council. His writings have been published on Brack and The Library of Rejected Beauty.
Ethan is interested in environmental literature that illuminates the kinship between human and animal, and the intersections between one’s relationship with the natural environment and mental wellbeing.