A journal of art + literature engaging with nature, culture, the environment & ecology

Dawn of a New Goddess

Dawn of a New Goddess

Julienne Maui Castelo Mangawang (The Philippines)


Julienne Maui Castelo Mangawang is taking up MA in Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines-Diliman. Her poems have appeared in TLDTD, Cordite Poetry Review, Novice Magazine, The Rumpus’ ENOUGH series, The Rising Phoenix Review, 聲韻詩刊 Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine and other spaces. She is a Reiki practitioner, Access Bars practitioner, and plant medicine guide. She is a member of SEA Lit Circle. You may find her teaching in classrooms, connecting with plants, helping out at healing spaces, and raising the planet’s collective vibration. Her favorite meal is adobo with lots of laurel leaves and love.

Editor’s Preface

Editor’s Preface

We must tell the bees that you passed

We must tell the bees that you passed