A journal of art + literature engaging with nature, culture, the environment & ecology


Maziar Karim, Tehran, Iran


Dedicated to the brave men and women in Iran

it will break

sickle handle of gardening 

that wants stems the thought

in the same size 


although short

although high 

We only want the brush of the wind of peace

and finger of freedoms 

that never

it will not stroke a trigger


Maziar Karim is from Tehran, Iran. He holds an MS degree in Information Technology. He has been doing research in different fields of philosophy, psychology, philology, mythology and literature. His essays and books in these fields are forthcoming publication in both Persian and English. His work in America has appeared in different magazines such as Better Than Starbucks, DREGINALD, The Bookends Review, Gramma Poetry and Smithsonian Magazine and elsewhere. He is also a literature translator. 

I am the shadow I am wrong I am

An AI finds the black screen