Ground Truth
Katie Mary, UK
We all eat food, but how often do we think about it from farm to mouth and everything in between?
Ground Truth is part of the terminology for the process of plant segmentation using non-invasive digital technology to measure phenotype attributes in industrial agriculture. Scientists have abstracted plants into simple shapes and colours to inform more efficient farming. Images found in scientific papers have been re-appropriated as part of this project.
In parallel, blockchain has created an opportunity for digital democratisation of industrial agriculture. The intangible yet omnipresent characteristic of ‘chain’ within agriculture is also explored and referenced visually as a recurring theme.
Botanical Gardens are the primary location for the reference of fauna within the project. Post-colonial identity for Botanical Gardens is evolving rapidly, forming a dynamic subplot.
These elements combined create a potent narrative for our epoch, representing so much more than bold, colourful and organic aesthetics. Ground Truth brings a visual dialogue to audiences ready to explore their agency within the food chain and current milieu.
Having studied Photography as Art practice at Nottingham Trent University, the evolution of and prolific use of digital technology and photography within industrial agriculture has opened up a pathway to merge my specialism with science in a new way. This current and ongoing project Ground Truth is an opportunity to collaborate across various sectors to further explore dynamic, contemporary and creative dialogues about food.
© Katie Mary
© Katie Mary
© Katie Mary
Katie Mary is currently carrying out ongoing research and making artwork for her contemporary art project titled Ground Truth. The project began in the UK in 2022, continuing in South East Asia for 2023. Katie has an eclectic 2D visual artist portfolio including photography, analogue and digital paintings, and murals. She exhibited at The Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London after graduation from University and painted murals in various locations in South London during the pandemic.
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