A journal of art + literature engaging with nature, culture, the environment & ecology

Hometown Poké

Jennifer Currier, USA


Using locally sourced,

freshly caught fish 

in each compostable bowl.

“We know a guy”, the owners say.

Good ol’ Tony, of Tony’s Seafood, 

a working man with leathery hands

that flake like the fresh fish

he catches each day.


If only being mindful 

of the origin of our food

was enough.


Plastics that are in the environment for a long time take up contaminants from the air, from the water, and from the soil, and are known as ‘toxic rafts.’ Significant quantities of microplastics have been found in tuna, shrimp, and lobster. New research, presented at the 26th United European Gastroenterology Week in Vienna, found that microplastic particles were also present in every human stool sample they tested.


Jennifer Currier is a former dolphin trainer, English teacher, and desert dweller, now living in Providence, Rhode Island. She is Motif Magazine's food editor and writer, RI food tour's cultural ambassador, a blogger, author and world traveler. She writes about taking leaps of faith, traveling, and finding joy in everyday experiences. She is working on a book set in Greece.



Grand Canyon, Medium Rare