J. Freeborn, New York, USA
how many inches
does the quiraing landslip move
in a year hewn by a series
of mass wasting rifts buffed from the sou
sou westerly wind
roll down gold moss
to the humming sea keep trails and name
the formations needle table
prison ask
to taste knowing past language
border walker go betweener used to
explain the monster grendel loping
from pool to moor to rend
belief from the hall
of man empire of patient
violence are you tired
mark time
for an eyeless race dissolving some
things are slow
some things are
at the faultline
stand on the lip put an ear
to the belly call
up her exhale and cherish
illusion into space carved
by forgetting
J. Freeborn is a teacher and the anthology books managing editor at The Poetry Society of New York.