A journal of art + literature engaging with nature, culture, the environment & ecology

Loch Aima

Hibah Shabkhez, Pakistan


I am best friends with a loch

That is turning red.

Corpses knock


Hourly for grace on its banks,

For sanctuary.

Guns and tanks


Riddle the human blood-bags:

Pierce them through and through.

My friend gags,


But turns to embrace

Each dead face.

Hibah Shabkhez is a writer of the half-yo literary tradition, an erratic language-learning enthusiast, a teacher of French as a foreign language and a happily eccentric blogger from Lahore, Pakistan. Her work has previously appeared in The Mojave Heart Review, Third Wednesday, Brine, Petrichor, Remembered Arts, Rigorous and a number of other literary magazines. Studying life, languages and literature from a comparative perspective across linguistic and cultural boundaries holds a particular fascination for her. 

Read her blog: https://hibahshabkhezxicc.wordpress.com/ and follow her on Twitter @hibahshabkhez

Two Poems by Yasmin Mariam Kloth

