Julie Ann Tabigne, The Philippines-Singapore
The sounds of the waves
Is just like music to my ears
Inviting me to set my foot in
To my surprise I was captivated
By the current of calmness.
The ocean undresses my insecurities
Slowly dissolves the anger in my heart
And the lump of guilt stuck in my veins.
I close my eyes and open my arms wide
To indulge these newborn feelings.
I know I am on the verge of being idiosyncratic
So before it gobbles me up
Munches me into pieces
Digests me into the hole of my own illusion
I will set myself free
Because I know no one will, except me.
Then comes the realization
That accepting who you are
Is the road of unending happiness
It doesn't necessarily need praise
Or recognition.
Julie Ann Tabigne is from the Philippines, and she works in Singapore as a foreign domestic worker. She has lived and worked in Singapore for seven years now, and has an eight-year-old son and supportive life partner. She is a team leader of the non-profit organisation Uplifters, and also a member of Migrant Writers of Singapore.