Kapuananiokekukui Namiko, Singapore
Pu'olo (2018)
A Pu'olo is a gift or offering. A sacred Hawaiian precept goes "Anywhere you go, take an offering with you". This is the way of Abundant Flow, honouring Ke Akua (God) and His Creation, which is Nature. This pu'olo is a little packet made to hold a gift, made of ti (Cordyline) leaves, orchids and wildflowers.
Pu'olo © Kapuananiokekukui Namiko
Lei (2018)
Leis were made and worn since ancient Polynesian times. They are artfully made of natural foliage or other materials and objects such as shells, using various braiding, twining or knotting techniques. A lei signifies affection and honour. This lei was handmade from ti (Cordyline) by the Director of Singapore's first official branch of a Hawaiian Dance school.
Lei © Kapuananiokekukui Namiko
‘Ākia (2018)
The ‘Ākia (also called the "bearberry") is a native Hawaiian shrub with a widespread presence in the lowlands or coastal areas of the islands. Its bark is strong and fibrous, and has been a source of cordage for rope and braided material since ancient times. It also has medicinal benefits and is even used to catch fish.
‘Ākia © Kapuananiokekukui Namiko
Namiko Chan Takahashi has been dancing and making art since she was five. Today, she is one of Singapore's most accomplished portrait artists, working in the style of contemporary realism. In 2012, she established the Singapore branch of a Hawaiian Hula dance school under the direction of her beloved teacher Kumu Hula Leihi`ilani Kirkpatrick of Kaua’i. Namiko’s given Hawaiian name is Kapuananiokekui. In 2014, she and her poet-writer husband Aaron Lee co-founded the Laniakea Culture Collective, an intercultural art practice that has a mission to build community through excellence in the arts.