A journal of art + literature engaging with nature, culture, the environment & ecology


Sarah Degner Riveros, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA



Lines in italics are used with permission by two poets in The Joy Workshop:  Writing Beautiful Poems in Hard Times at The Loft Literary Center, with poetry instructor Chelsea DesAutels.

“Every few hours my body becomes” is taken from the poem “Magical Thinking” by Ellie Rogers

“You risk forgetting what it was like to be held in what was left after” is from the poem "Forgetting" by Paula Reed Nancarrow


Sarah Degner Riveros (she/her) teaches Spanish and studies Creative Writing at Augsburg University in Minneapolis, Minnesota where she is currently working on an MFA in poetry and creative nonfiction. Her work is forthcoming in Vassar Review, Clarion, and Pithead Chapel, and has appeared recently in Sonora ReviewGrey SparrowBarnstorm JournalYes, PoetryWillawawBearings,  PorridgeMurphy Square Quarterly, and Azahares.   

An Olfactory History of Cantaloupes

The Language Stump