We descend into the cool deep dark, so far down until
all is black for a moment.
The Singapore Girl, a national symbol of beauty and grace. What if we juxtapose her with our native wildlife?
King of the islands!
The nights I have waited
to swim in your skin,
to dive into your palace
in your room at the foot of the sky.
The waves curl like a cat’s hunched back,
the charcoaled sky running its fingers over her fur.
The gentlest turtles in the world
wear their shells in Hawaii.
The world is their water.
She is that wandering dog
sniffing the scent of past lives,
reading years between years
For years I've been trading promises with God.
Offering flowers for mercies,
fasts for protection,
money for more wealth.
In Cleanse, I disrupt the hierarchy between what is considered man-made and organic. Bringing different materials together, I challenge the concept of nature as divorced from culture, and seek to propose a non-hierarchical and interconnected relationship between them.
We should learn a lesson
From the water garden
From the flowers that never sink